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500-510 S. Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA

August 13, 2017


PIDC, on behalf of the City of Philadelphia and PAID, is offering an RFQ opportunity to parties to develop the City and PAID-owned parcels at 500-510 S. Broad Street. Philly By Drone took drone photography to help interested parties visualize the property and its relation in the city. You may use these watermarked photos for noncommercial purposes. If you would like to license these for commercial purposes, please email or contact us through our home page.


Download the photos here:

500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone
500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone
500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone
500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone
500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone
500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone
500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone
500-510 S. Broad - Philly By Drone


This drone panoramic photo was taken from the Northwest corner of the parking lot at 115.2 feet AGL, to simulate view of a potential development that would go up on this empty lot. Notice that despite the large pink building directly to the north of the site, one can still see parts of the city from this height and angle.
You can also view the full-screen panorama here:


500-510 S. Broad Street Video